Saturday, May 14, 2011

Wow, anchovies taste like a salt lick, not that I've had the pleasure

So, I'm all about the caesar salad. In fact, I'd motorboat it if I weren't restricted to society's norms of not acting like a complete slob in public; however, for the first time in my life, I had an ENTIRE anchovy. No, not the chopped up bits you find in gourmet caesar salads. This was full on, "here I am bitch," anchovy carcass. I don't even feel a sense of pride having ingested it. It was no different than ponying up to a salt lick. In fact, I'm now looking at horses thinking, "you stupid hoofed characters -- you are going to retain so much water after you enjoy your customary salt lick." Hoofers be willingly lickin' salt. For realz? Frankly, why don't they give them an "anchovy lick?" Probably cheaper, and frankly, more natural. So, long story short. You eat an entire anchovy, you better not have an issue with water retention. I'm done.


  1. The face is priceless! I totally miss the "grossed out Francie" face and the accompanying sound effects!

  2. Did it have the eyeball? I would assume that would be the nastiest, saltiest part.

  3. Francie, each and every day you repeatedly prove to be my hero.

  4. You should try the ones that are dried and salted at a korean restaurant. Those things will make you want to poke your tongue out and not swallow.

  5. Btw...give me a ring when you decide to motorboat a salad. I would love to see that and cheer you on while others look at you with barnyard attitude.
